Weekend Wrap Up-Productivity

We had such a productive weekend, it must be the warm weather. On Friday we both got home from work a little early and went to Olive Garden for dinner. A big storm was coming so afterwords we ran to Giant to get the french bread for the Crock Pot French Toast and headed home. So Friday wasn’t that productive but the rest of the weekend was productive.

Saturday we got up and enjoyed our crock pot breakfast with some grits and then we got ready and headed to the farmers market. Since I had not made my grocery list yet we just got some local honey to hopefully help our allergies. I’ve head that helps, have y’all? I then convinced Tyler to take me to Ikea for some picture frames for some projects I am doing. Well we came out with 7 picture frames and a new dresser. We have been wanting to replace our dresser for awhile and we finally did. It looks great, but more on that later. We had lunch at Panera and who knew? They have pasta now! So that pretty much made my day because if you know me, you know I love pasta. We then headed home and stopped on the way to do our grocery shopping.

Saturday night we had another delicious meal which I will be sharing with you all this week. We ate good this weekend! Tyler put together our new dresser while I FaceTime’d with my best friend, don’t you just love modern technology! We had an adventure getting that old dresser to the driveway, now it’s waiting for us to do something with it.

Sunday was church, lunch at Bob Evans, a few more errands then home for an afternoon/evening or organizing and cleaning. Our house is really coming together. We also got a beautiful mirror to go above our new dresser. I can’t wait to share it with you all! And Sunday was another delicious meal to share. Like I said, it was a productive weekend and I got ahead on my things to blog about so stick around, give us a follow and check out our Twitter and Facebook pages (whichever you prefer). We would love for you to follow us and keep coming back because some yummy, great stuff is coming up soon!

All of my pictures of the weekend are for future posts so for now enjoy this lovely picture of my precious Dolly Wolly, who was not so precious and got a hold of one of my favorite pair of shoes, sigh.

P.S. Did you guys get anything exciting done this weekend? Any spring projects in the works?


Easter Weekend Wrap-Up

We had a great Easter weekend! We had beautiful weather and were very productive. Friday I was off work and created my new spring wreath! We had Spinach and Ricotta Shells for dinner which I have shared with you all before. They were delicious as always. You can’t go wrong with stuffed shells. We caught up on some of our DVR shows Friday night and just relaxed.

Saturday, we had breakfast at Bob Evans and then headed to Lowe’s We bought everything we needed to finish fencing in our yard! You can read all about that on Tyler’s blogging post, his first contribution to the blog. And he is a good writer and funny so I will be having him do more posting. While Tyler worked on the fence I weeded my flowers and put up my new potted flowers and garden flag. I was quite excited about those and now our yard looks so cute and ready for spring!

After our yard work we got ready and headed over to the Twaddell’s for Easter egg dying, dinner, an inspirational egg hunt, cheesecake and Nertz. If you have never heard of Nertz or experienced the Twaddell’s playing it then you won’t understand my excitement about coming in 3rd place!! It is a game of speed and that is something the Twaddell family excels at, the Ballards and Glovers not as much. So I was proud to come in 3rd out of 7 people playing!

On Sunday we dressed up and headed to church for Easter Sunday. Growing up in a Southern Baptist church I just felt the need to dress up for Easter. When I was a little girl it was always so exciting to get our Easter dresses! It was a dreary and rainy day on Sunday so we came home and spent the day lounging on the couch and I also prepared us a delicious meal, Chicken Casserole and Pineapple Casserole, recipes coming later this week!

We had a great weekend and this morning it was back to the grind. I am not the biggest fan of Monday’s but I mean who really is? But this work day is close to over and then we are one day closer to the weekend 🙂 This coming weekend if the weather is nice we are hoping to go into DC and check out the Cherry Blossoms! Quick find the Zyrtec, hello allergies!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Dolly says “Happy Easter” 


New garden flag!


Front porch!


The Easter Bunny came!




Dying Easter Eggs at the Twaddell’s!




Happy 1st Day of Spring!

It’s spring y’all! I am excited to say the least. Even though that doesn’t mean an automatic weather change seeing that the high here tomorrow is 39. Fortunately I am flying south on Friday for 5 glorious days of vacation! My husband is kind enough to allow me to go off and vacation while he holds down the fort at home.

So I just realized I have pictures on my camera from a few weeks ago when we went to Ohio for my mom’s birthday. She took a great family picture for us with Dolly. Dolly’s eyes come off a little crazy in the picture but it is a good picture so I had to share!

Family Picture


So this is a short post. Tune in tomorrow for Wedding Thursday for another fun idea from our wedding!

Weekend Wrap-Up

We had a really fun weekend with really nice weather that then turned to snow this morning? So strange.

Friday was so nice and warm so we ate leftovers for dinner then went shopping! I hadn’t been on a good shopping spree in awhile so it was a lot of fun! I got some for my easter/spring centerpiece which I will post about later this week so stay tuned!

Saturday morning we tried out breakfast at a local restaurant close to our house! We had a delicious breakfast then drove around looking at local sites. I then went to get a pedicure to prepare for my trip next week to the beach!! I can’t wait. Hopefully it will be sunny and in the 70’s and I will be happy!

We found a new favorite show on Saturday, Property Wars on the Discovery Channel. If you have not watched it before then you should because it is such a fun show! Saturday night we had date night and went to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner to celebrate 9 months of marriage! We then went to see Safe Haven which was really good!

Sunday we went to community group, church then had brunch with our friends Matt and Katie at Cracker Barrel. Does it get much better than Cracker Barrel for home cooking not at home? I don’t think so. Grocery shopping then a lazy day around the house. We discovered another new show. Downton Abbey. We watched the pilot and now I can’t wait to get home tonight and watch another episode!

So that was our weekend in all it’s glory! We had a fun time and enjoyed it. Next weekend I will be out of town and it will be the first time we’ve been apart over night since we got married 😦 I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!



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The end of Twilight :(

Well this weekend marked a momentous occasion, the end of Twilight. Breaking Dawn pt. 2 The Epic Finale finally came out and we were there Friday night to see it! My husband is amazing and went with me to see it! I wore my Team Edward shirt from Twilight in honor of the final movie! It was in a word- amazing. I won’t say much because some of my friends have not seen it yet but it was excellent. Probably my favorite of all of the movies. Since Friday was our 5 month anniversary we followed the movie up with a Chocolate Molten Lava Cake at Chilli’s. You haven’t lived until you’ve had one of those. It was Tyler’s first time and he now understands. Those things are divine!

On Saturday poor Tyler had to work so we can spend the week between Christmas and New Years in Georgia with family! He left at 8:30 and came home at 2:30 and said “You’re still getting ready?” I was waiting on my nails to dry. We went to Michaels and bought Christmas ornaments and stand-in stockings because I still have a good bit of work to do on our homemade ones so those will be ready for next Christmas! We did a little Christmas shopping and then went to a Japanese steakhouse we had gotten a Groupon for! It was delicious and an entertaining time.

On Sunday we did our typical grocery shopping which was much easier this week since we leave on Wednesday for Thanksgiving in Ohio!!! We had dinner with our friends Matt and Katie at Carrabba’s, delicious. Then we came home and watched the movie Battleship which was a pretty good movie! We really enjoyed it but warning you may dream about running from aliens after watching this movie.

It’s a short week of work then we get to head to Ohio for fun Thanksgiving times with family! I am so excited to see everyone!!!